Reports Log— Who is running which reports?
Reports Log Summary— How many reports did each person print/preview over a 12 month period?
Outstanding Receivables 30/60/90— Who owes us?
Inventory Report— What’s in stock? What’s on the way? What’s allocated? What needs to be ordered?
Outstanding Receivables— What’s out there to collect and how long has it been there?
State of the Company Report— What was my Sales, Production, Gross Profit, and Sales Backlog for Last Week (or Month), the Previous Week, and the same week last year.
Services by Week— What services were paid this week?
Services by Month— What is my monthly income by service type?
Services by Location— What is my Income by Area?
Services Utilization— What services are behind or ahead of schedule?
Weekly Production Report— What items did we ship last week? What as their cost and gross profit? How does it compare to the previous week. . . same week last year? Shipments YTD?
Production Graph— Total Shipments graph from previous 12 months
Purchasing Report— What did I order last week. . . $ by Vendor. $ YTD?
Weekly/Monthly Sales Summary Report— What was our Total Sales last week by salesmen? How does it compare with the previous week. . . same week last year? Sales YTD?
Sales Graph—Total Sales graph from previous 12 months by salesman.
Sales Projections—What can we expect in sales over the next three months?